Schools & Offices to Operate on Two-Hour Delay Wednesday, January 22, 2025
TCSS Families, Faculty, & Staff,
Due to the extreme cold, all Tuscaloosa County School System schools and offices will operate on a two-hour delay Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Students, faculty, and staff should arrive at school two hours later than their normal arrival time. Schools will start two hours later than their normal start time, and buses will pick up students two hours later than their regular pick-up time. There will be no early morning extended day programs or before school activities. Breakfast will be served.
The delayed start time will allow time for us to warm buses and address any issues we may encounter in the morning. While it will still be extremely cold, the delay means we will start the school day closer to temperatures we have seen over the past few days. Temperatures predicted for the early morning tomorrow are the coldest we have seen so far.
Families, please make sure students are dressed warmly and adequately prepared for the cold weather. If your student meets the bus at a designated stop, we encourage them to stay inside until the bus arrives. Drivers will allow extra time for students to walk to the bus without standing outside for long periods of time. We will work to operate on schedule, but please be patient if there are any delays.
Schools will dismiss at their regular times, and afterschool activities will operate as regularly scheduled.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing students back in school tomorrow!
Office of the Superintendent